
CHO cells were first described by Prof. Puck from Denver, CO in the late 1950s and first used for investigations on cytogenetics and the study of mammalian genes
Since then there were many subcultures with many changes in their genome and phenotype
9 out of the world’s 15 top selling drugs are protein therapeutics derived from CHO cells

This and much more is described in the excellent review by Florian Wurm and Maria Wurm*, two highly recognized experts in the use of CHO cells for the production of recombinant proteins in bioreactors , founders of ExcellGene SA and Magellan Biologics & Consulting who state and suggest that: 

“In CHO cells, evolution of genomes is a constant phenomenon (…) it seems that the success of CHO cells in manufacturing maybe at least in part a result of the capacity of CHO populations to approach and achieve fitness for bioreactor environments relatively fast”

We at Magellan Biologics & Consulting proudly support the scientific community in their R&D projects through our CHO4Tx product portfolio that allows in-house, fast, easy and efficient transient proteinexpression in CHO cells and through personalized advices and consultancies.

Read the full paper:

*Wurm MJ, Wurm FM. Naming CHO cells for bio-manufacturing: Genome plasticity and variant phenotypes of cell populations in bioreactors question the relevance of old names. Biotechnol J. 2021 Jul;16(7):e2100165. doi: 10.1002/biot.202100165. Epub 2021 Jun 25. PMID: 34050613.

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